







The Power of 3

Across time and culture, three has always held a certain magical resonance. In mythology, there are the Three Graces, the Three Fates and the Three Furies. In Buddhism, there are the three marks of existence, the three jewels, the three yanas or vehicles (Hinayana, Mahayana and Vajrayana) and the three karmas (or three conditions). In Christianity, there are threes all over the place: the holy trinity, the three kings, the three years of Christ’s ministry—to name just, well, three. In Wiccan traditions, there is the third eye and the rule of three.

No matter what spiritual tradition you study you will find threes. It makes sense then that philosophers teach that the search for truth is a three-step process: combining a thesis with an antithesis to form a synthesis, which through its complexity then offers a more complete truth.

The answer to being happy and successful is right there in front of our faces, and it has been for more than three thousand years. It can help us experience life in ways far beyond our current limited ways of thinking and acting. It’s the Power of Three.   Life cubed, so to speak.

This is simple. This is basic. Harnessing the Power of Three is something you can do right now, today.

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